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mascil supports teachers

During the project we carry out a variety of activities to support teachers in implementing inquiry-based teaching as well as connecting mathematics and science education to the world of work:

Development of materials

We will develop materials for classroom use and professional development. The materials for professional development will also include e-learning materials, which will be online in the middle of 2014.

Professional development courses

We will run professional development courses for both pre- and in-service teachers. These courses will:

• start off from teachers' needs
• allow teachers to reflect on their own teaching practices
• use the type of innovative methods teachers will use in their own teaching
• take into account contextual factors like assessment structures and curricula
• provide long term support for teachers.

The courses will start at the end of 2014 and will be offered face-to-face or as e-learning courses.

Dissemination activities

We will carry out dissemination activities, such as big conferences, information events, student contests and round tables in order to inform a large audience about inquiry-based science teaching and its aims. The target groups include teachers, teacher trainers, parents, students and policy makers.

Promoting European teachers' networks

mascil aims at facilitating the international exchange between teachers by promoting European teachers' networks and offering teachers participating in mascil a platform for international exchange.

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Acest proiect este finanțat prin contractul nr. 320693 de către Uniunea Europeană prin al Șaptelea Program Cadru pentru cercetare și dezvoltare tehnologică.