Descopera lumea matematicii ?i a ştiin?elor naturii
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mathematics and science for life - matematica şi ştiinţe pentru viaţă

Press release: Teaching to the test is not enough

December 3rd 2013: The results of the PISA report focused on mathematics are no big surprise and show once again that standarized assessment studies don't bring about the insights needed to improve school education. Seventeen universities and institutes which started to work together on the EU project mascil (mathematics and science for life) at the beginning of this year are therefore demanding deeper analyses on how to broadly improve teaching and learning in mathematics and science. more ...


Zum Mehrwert von Kooperation im Bildungsbereich, in: PH FR - Journal of the University of Education Freiburg by Diana Wernisch und Katja Maaß.

Für den Test pauken allein reicht nicht, in: PH FR - Journal of the University of Education Freiburg by Gesine Kulcke.

Siedle und PH machen Lust auf Mathematik - article in the German newspaper Schwarzwaelderbote informing about the cooperation between the University of Freiburg and the company Siedle in Furtwangen.

Firma Siedle schult Lehrer mit EU Projekt - article in the German newspaper Suedkurier informing about the cooperation between the University of Freiburg and the company Siedle in Furtwangen.

Interview with Petar Kenderov from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Science in the Bulgarian newspaper for teachers Uchitelsko delo.

A model for a widespread implementation of inquiry-based learning, in: International Journal on Mathematics Education by Katja Maaß from the University of Education in Freiburg and Michiel Doorman from the University of Utrecht.

Press contact

University of Education Freiburg
KG 5 Room 309
Kunzenweg 21

D-79117 Freiburg

Tel.: (+49) - (0)761 682 346
Fax.: (+49) - (0)761 682 525

Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Katja Maaß

Acest proiect este finanțat prin contractul nr. 320693 de către Uniunea Europeană prin al Șaptelea Program Cadru pentru cercetare și dezvoltare tehnologică.